At the heart of this captivating event lies the ancient art form of Shibari, a practice that intricately binds the body in ropes, creating living sculptures that speak to the soul. Paired with the evocative movements of Butoh, an avant-garde dance form from Japan, this fusion of artistry stirs emotions and provokes introspection.
Our lineup of esteemed artists is a testament to the diversity and depth of expression within the realm of performance art. From the masterful hands of Bernhard Hollinger to the ethereal voice of Hilary Whitmore, each artist brings a unique perspective to the theme of “Between Despair and Hope“, that is felt in times of war and crises.
Prepare to be captivated as Louis Fleischauer, renowned corset designer, transforms the human body into a canvas, blurring the lines between fashion and art in a live installation. Meanwhile, Hilary Whitmore will elevate the senses with her operatic prowess, accompanied by the daring spectacle of body suspension—an act that defies gravity and challenges perceptions.
In the Black Hall and basement, a curated exhibition awaits you. Delve into the world of Butoh and Shibari through the lens of Shuto’s photography, each image a haunting echo of the performances unfolding before you.
As the soundscape, crafted by the visionary Bernhard Hollinger, envelops you in its embrace, journey through the depths of despair to the shimmering light of hope. This is more than a performance—it’s an exploration of the human condition, a celebration of resilience and transcendence.